Title Arena y piedra
Written and directed by Berta Canivell
Cinematography by Gerard Aparicio
Music by David de la Varga
Runtime 17’ Year 2024
Genre Drama, sci-fi
Status In postproduction
Title Arena y piedra
Written and directed by Berta Canivell
Cinematography by Gerard Aparicio
Music by David de la Varga
Runtime 17’ Year 2024
Genre Drama, sci-fi
Status In postproduction
Alba and Yago meet after two years. They catch up over a beer. The conversation takes a turn when ghosts from the past emerge, and Alba quickly rushes to leave, feeling ashamed. She walks pensively, and suddenly something transports her back to the same terrace, just before Yago appears. Everything starts again, but this time it’s different…
Jone Laspiur, Pol Hermoso
2023 Copyright. Nightwalk Films. All rights reserved